TODAY is the day! Today marks - not the end of things - but the beginning of what could be a new reference point in Chicago history. Though it has been a long journey (for me, a journey of 2 years), the real work begins TOMORROW.
A word of wisdom as we take steps that will determine Chicago's future:
"In the moment of crisis, the wise build bridges and the foolish build dams." ~Nigerian Proverb
Politics should not be a zero-sum game. Regardless of the results of today's election, we will, as a city, have to decide to heal together, work together and fight together to build the kind of city we envision. Let us be wise in our dealings as we move forward. Let not the rhetoric around coalition-building be simply that - rhetoric.
Moreover, we must know that as important as it is to build coalitions, it is equally important to master the art of working across lines of difference. Our ability to effectively engage and work with those who do not share our perspective or world view will determine how well our city can progress. We must not compromise our values and principles, but we must be willing to step outside of our comfort zones to accomplish the monumental tasks before us. It is difficult. It is uncomfortable, but it is absolutely necessary, lest we become a city even more polarized and therefore stagnant.
We will know the value of the words uttered in this election cycle by the work that takes place once the excitement of the election itself, has worn off. Then, and only then, will we see those who remain committed to the difficult task of building - building bridges across racial lines, socio-economic lines, geographic lines. Building bridges across difference to find common ground upon which we can create the kind of future we envision.
We have a choice, not just in who to vote for, but in what we do AFTER the votes have been cast and tallied.
Every ending is an opportunity for reflection. Every beginning is an opportunity for action.
Choose wisely, Chicago.